Equity, Justice, Climate Enhancement

Equity, Justice and Climate Enhancement

GRAFF-TEAM insists upon contributing to a sustainable, just and equitable world and all investments having a positive impact.  We value communities and the people who promote these values. The ultimate goal is to promote local economies that give precedence to the well-being of people and planet.

While we insist upon fair returns for our investments, we remain aware of the longevity and patience and activist approach required to realise these returns and create justifiable absolute shareholder value.

We are optimistic in our outlook for the future. Yet we remain uncompromising on matters of injustice, inequality and continuously strive to optimise corporate governance not only from ourselves but also our partners.

You are invited to read through our research and links below. All items are related to our investment strategy, our current ongoing investments and it is hoped that this will provide you with valuable insights into current affairs as they also form part of our approach to the evaluation of all proposals we receive.